Abnormal Pap Smears
A pap smear is a medical procedure designed to test for the presence of cervical cancer in women. At Arizona Specialized Gynecology, Dr. Joseph Brooks performs the test by collecting cells from your cervix and examining them. With that being said, why is a pap smear test important? Why should you contact Dr. Brooks for such services? Because the procedure is critical in detecting the presence of cancer. What’s more, it may indicate the future development of the disease.
Abnormal Pap Smears Q & A
How should you prepare for a pap smear test?
Before scheduling a pap smear test with Dr. Brooks, you need to consider certain factors to promote the procedure’s effectiveness. You need to avoid sexual intercourse or douching two days before the test, as these may wash away abnormal cells. Next, it isn’t a good idea to schedule a pap smear test during your menstrual period.
Who should have a Pap Test?
Dr. brooks will recommend the ideal age for you to go for a pap test, depending on your health situation. However, the recommended age is 21 years.
How often should I go for a Pap Smear Test?
Dr. Brooks recommends women of age 21 to 65 years go for pap smear tests every three years. Women over thirty have the option of going for this procedure every five years.
When should I stop going for pap smear tests?
Under certain circumstances, Dr. Brooks may advise you against going for pap smear tests. For instance, women above sixty-five years of age are generally discouraged from undergoing these procedures. Furthermore, after a total hysterectomy, Dr. brooks may advise you against the need for pap smear tests.
What risk factors warrant the need for a pap smear test?
Certain risk factors intensify the need for more frequent pap smear tests. They include:
HIV infection
History of organ transplant or chemotherapy, which may weaken your immune system
The Procedure
A pap smear test takes only a few minutes. During this time, Dr. Brooks will insert a small device called a speculum into your vagina. The speculum allows for observation by holding the walls of your vagina apart. Next, Dr. Brooks will take samples of your cells using a spatula.
If you have abnormal cells, then this means that your test was positive. However, it does not imply that you have cancer, as the positive result may indicate different factors. In most cases, the abnormal cells result from HPV, which usually go away on their own. However, certain types of HPV have been linked to cervical cancer, hence the need for regular tests.
Contact Dr. Brooks today and let him help you chart the way forward to regular pap smear tests. Don’t hesitate, book an appointment today!
The Results