Lichen Sclerosus Q & A
Given the autoimmune nature of this disease, it is more likely to run through families, affecting children at the same time. What’s more, this complication significantly increases patients’ chances of developing cancer. To put this into perspective, up to 5% of Lichen sclerosis patients develop cancer-related complications.
Sexual Intercourse pain and during urination
Small purplish or red areas around the genitals
Shrinked and scarred vulvar tissue
Small white patches in the area close to the vulva up to the anus
Splitting of skin that tends to be painful
Sore and burning skin
Pale white skin
With the O-shot therapy, growth factors are derived from your plasma, which is then treated and injected back into your vulva. This then triggers self-healing and rejuvenation of the vulva tissue.
Other useful treatments include moisturizers such as emu oil or Aquaphor. This helps get rid of skin complications and smoothens your genital skin.
In addition to the previous treatments, you still have to go for regular checkups with Dr. Brooks every three to six months to keep the disease under control.
Lichen sclerosus may not have a cure, but that does not mean that it isn’t manageable. Come and let Dr. Brooks help you deal with this disease at Arizona Specialised Gynecology.